Mar 29, 2015 4:16:39 GMT -5
Post by GoetzKluge on Mar 29, 2015 4:16:39 GMT -5
== Fit ==Look for "fihtea" (pronounced as "fiçtæɑ"?) in the Wikipedia article about the epic poem Heliand: "... The suspicion of some earlier scholars that the Praefatio and the Versus might be a modern forgery is refuted by the occurrence of the word vitteas, which is the Old Saxon fihtea, corresponding to the Old English fitt, which means a canto of a poem. ..." (Kudos to Thomas Stockinger for telling me.) "Fit has the double meaning of a convulsion and a canto." (Martin Gardner, "The Annotated Snark" in "The Hunting of the Snark", W. Kaufmann edition 1981, p. 19, footnote 3)